Let me start by saying that I had zero knowledge about ML before 1 week. I also didn't write a single line of Python code before I was exposed to ML. So if you see or think that I am doing something really stupide or writing some "noob" code - sorry,
So what I am going to do.
I an going to predict the prices of the goods by using Linear Regression ML approach. For this I am going to use the following
1. Dataset with basic feature engineering
2. Dataset with more advanced feature engineering
3. Xgboost, Linear Learner and SageMaker autopilot
My Dataset looks like this
It has the actual item.
The branch number that the item belongs to.
Item code (barcode).
Discount (if any)
Date fields. Since ML doesn't know what is date I engineered it to separate columns
The dataset has several hundred thousands records and I uploaded it to the AWS s3.
The rest of the code shows the Jupiter notebook that uses S3 as the source of the data, creating training, validation and test datasets, train the model by using Sagemaker build in Xgboost image and deploy as rest api
Important to note:
1. The file in s3 should not contain headers
2. You don't need to specify the "label" column. The algorithm always assumes that it is the first column in the CSV file
Note the comments in the body of the code.
Each block represents the code block in the Jupiter notebook
%%time import os import boto3 import re import sagemaker # Get a SageMaker-compatible role used by this Notebook Instance. role = sagemaker.get_execution_role() region = boto3.Session().region_name ### update below values appropriately ### bucket = sagemaker.Session().default_bucket() prefix = "sagemaker/xgboost-no-fe" #### print(region)
%%time import io import boto3 import random #split the data to training, validation and testing sets random.seed(42) def data_split( FILE_DATA, DATA_DIR, FILE_TRAIN_BASE, FILE_TRAIN_1, FILE_VALIDATION, FILE_TEST, PERCENT_TRAIN_0, PERCENT_TRAIN_1, PERCENT_VALIDATION, PERCENT_TEST, ): data = [l for l in open(FILE_DATA, "r")] train_file_0 = open(DATA_DIR + "/" + FILE_TRAIN_0, "w") train_file_1 = open(DATA_DIR + "/" + FILE_TRAIN_1, "w") valid_file = open(DATA_DIR + "/" + FILE_VALIDATION, "w") tests_file = open(DATA_DIR + "/" + FILE_TEST, "w") num_of_data = len(data) num_train_0 = int((PERCENT_TRAIN_0 / 100.0) * num_of_data) num_train_1 = int((PERCENT_TRAIN_1 / 100.0) * num_of_data) num_valid = int((PERCENT_VALIDATION / 100.0) * num_of_data) num_tests = int((PERCENT_TEST / 100.0) * num_of_data) data_fractions = [num_train_0, num_train_1, num_valid, num_tests] split_data = [[], [], [], []] rand_data_ind = 0 for split_ind, fraction in enumerate(data_fractions): for i in range(fraction): rand_data_ind = random.randint(0, len(data) - 1) split_data[split_ind].append(data[rand_data_ind]) data.pop(rand_data_ind) for l in split_data[0]: train_file_0.write(l) for l in split_data[1]: train_file_1.write(l) for l in split_data[2]: valid_file.write(l) for l in split_data[3]: tests_file.write(l) train_file_0.close() train_file_1.close() valid_file.close() tests_file.close() def write_to_s3(fobj, bucket, key): return ( boto3.Session(region_name=region) .resource("s3") .Bucket(bucket) .Object(key) .upload_fileobj(fobj) ) def upload_to_s3(bucket, channel, filename): fobj = open(filename, "rb") key = prefix + "/" + channel url = "s3://{}/{}/{}".format(bucket, key, filename) print("Writing to {}".format(url)) write_to_s3(fobj, bucket, key)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%%time import pandas as pd s3 = boto3.client("s3") # Load the dataset from s3 FILE_DATA = "pricing.csv" s3.download_file( "pricing-sagemaker", f"xgboost/data_no_fe_with_no_header.csv", FILE_DATA ) data=pd.read_csv(FILE_DATA) data.dropna(inplace=True) data.to_csv(FILE_DATA, sep=",", index=False) # split the downloaded data into train/test/validation files FILE_TRAIN_0 = "pricing.train_0" FILE_TRAIN_1 = "pricing.train_1" FILE_VALIDATION = "pricing.validation" FILE_TEST = "pricing.test" PERCENT_TRAIN_0 = 35 PERCENT_TRAIN_1 = 35 PERCENT_VALIDATION = 15 PERCENT_TEST = 15 DATA_DIR = "data" if not os.path.exists(DATA_DIR): os.mkdir(DATA_DIR) data_split( FILE_DATA, DATA_DIR, FILE_TRAIN_0, FILE_TRAIN_1, FILE_VALIDATION, FILE_TEST, PERCENT_TRAIN_0, PERCENT_TRAIN_1, PERCENT_VALIDATION, PERCENT_TEST, )---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# upload the files to the S3 bucket upload_to_s3(bucket, "train/train_0.csv", DATA_DIR + "/" + FILE_TRAIN_0) upload_to_s3(bucket, "train/train_1.csv", DATA_DIR + "/" + FILE_TRAIN_1) upload_to_s3(bucket, "validation/validation.csv", DATA_DIR + "/" + FILE_VALIDATION) upload_to_s3(bucket, "test/test.csv", DATA_DIR + "/" + FILE_TEST)
instance_type = "ml.m5.2xlarge" output_path = "s3://{}/{}/{}/output".format(bucket, prefix, "pricing-dist-xgb") # Xgboost supports several content types. We will use CSV content_type = "text/csv"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import sagemaker import boto3 from sagemaker import image_uris from sagemaker.session import Session from sagemaker.inputs import TrainingInput # initialize hyperparameters hyperparams = { "max_depth": "7", "eta": "0.2", "gamma": "4", "min_child_weight": "6", "subsample": "0.7", "objective": "reg:squarederror", "num_round": "100", "eval_metric":"rmse", "verbosity": "2", } # set an output path where the trained model will be saved output_path = 's3://{}/{}/{}/output'.format(bucket, prefix, 'pricing-xgb-built-in-algo') # this line automatically looks for the XGBoost image URI and builds an XGBoost container. # specify the repo_version depending on your preference. xgboost_container = sagemaker.image_uris.retrieve("xgboost", region, "1.2-2") # construct a SageMaker estimator that calls the xgboost-container estimator = sagemaker.estimator.Estimator(image_uri=xgboost_container, hyperparameters=hyperparams, role=sagemaker.get_execution_role(), instance_count=1, instance_type='ml.m5.2xlarge', volume_size=5, # 5 GB output_path=output_path) train_input = TrainingInput( "s3://{}/{}/{}/".format(bucket, prefix, "train"), content_type=content_type ) validation_input = TrainingInput( "s3://{}/{}/{}/".format(bucket, prefix, "validation"), content_type=content_type ) #this one actually does the job by training the model estimator.fit({"train": train_input, "validation": validation_input})
# deploy command will create a rest api end poing predictor = estimator.deploy( initial_instance_count=1, instance_type="ml.m5.2xlarge", endpoint_name='Xgboost-basic' )
# read the test data. We want to predict the price column, so we need to remove it with all the data it has data_train=pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR + "/" + FILE_TEST) data_train.columns = [ "ItemPrice", "BranchNum", "ItemCode", "ItemDiscount", "year", "month", "day", "hour" ] #Remove item price column since we want to predict it data_train = data_train.drop(["ItemPrice"], axis=1)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# just show the data import io from io import StringIO csv_file = io.StringIO() data_train = data_train.iloc[1: , :] # by default sagemaker expects comma seperated data data_train.to_csv(csv_file, sep=",", header=False, index=False) # the payload size is limited so we will use only 1000 records data_train =data_train.head(1000) payload = csv_file.getvalue() print(payload )-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# run the prediction and print the output runtime_client = boto3.client("runtime.sagemaker", region_name=region) response = runtime_client.invoke_endpoint( EndpointName=predictor.endpoint_name, ContentType="text/csv", Body=payload ) result = response["Body"].read().decode("ascii") print("Predicted values are {}.".format(result))
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am going to post the link to the notebook and s3 datafile at the end of this post.
Several observations:
RMSE mertic was bad. Its value was about 60. (the lower the value the better). But I will give it a try
I am going to predict the values for 3 records:
The bold values are the actual prices. Lets run the prediction and see what we get
Example of one prediction:
# run the prediction and print the output runtime_client = boto3.client("runtime.sagemaker", region_name=region) response = runtime_client.invoke_endpoint( EndpointName=predictor.endpoint_name, ContentType="text/csv", Body='003,8690784516778,0,2022,03,15,17' ) result = response["Body"].read().decode("ascii") print("Predicted values are {}.".format(result))
I got the following results for prices:
Considering my BAD RMSE I am not surprised that I got those values
So what can I do to improve the results? Well I don't have too much columns to play with. Lets focus on the "branch" column. Maybe the algorithm actually "thinks" that this column represents some kind of ranking. But my purpose is to make it think that the item is actually located in specific branch and not located in another branch
As a result the dataset now looks like
"Branch" column is gone. Instead, each branch got it's own column. If item exists in this branch the column value will be 1 and all the rest of the column will get 0.
This dataset was also uploaded to s3.
Changes to the notebook code:
Note the change in the file name
s3.download_file( "pricing-sagemaker", f"xgboost/data_fe_with_no_header.csv", FILE_DATA )
Column list in the test data has different column
data_train=pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR + "/" + FILE_TEST) data_train.columns = [ "ItemPrice", "ItemCode", "ItemDiscount", "year", "month", "day", "hour", "Is1", "Is2", "Is3", "Is5", "Is6", "Is7", "Is8", "Is9", "Is10", "Is12", "Is13", "Is14", "Is15", "Is16", "Is50", "Is334" ] #Remove item price column since we want to predict it data_train = data_train.drop(["ItemPrice"], axis=1)
At the first glans nothing chaned. My RMSE still something like 60. But lets run the same prediction. Maybe something changed after all
14.9214.62Original Values Basic Feature Eng. Advanced Feature Eng.109.9 66.95 87.338.9 13.73 14.9214.9 15.08 14.62Except the last value it doesn't looks to good. In the part 2 I will try the same with Linear Learner algorithm. Maybe it will do a better jobAll files from this blog can be found here
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