It is very common to be asked to develop an interface between Siebel and other systems. It could be that other system has some kind of API or maybe it doesn’t . In my case , remote system doesn’t has any API, but you can access its database. So how can you do it from Siebel server side script?
First of all lets create some dummy table that will be used as insert target
create table test_insert (data varchar2)
Explanation of the code can be found in the code comments
function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs) {
if (MethodName=="Connect")
//obtain connection object
var oConnection = COMCreateObject("ADODB.Connection");
//connection objects
var cmd;
var myparam;
var res;
var adVarChar =200;
var adParamInput =1;
var adCmdText = 1;
//here I use TNS style connection string to connect to remote Oracle database
oConnection.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; CONNECTSTRING=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=;
//create command object
cmd = COMCreateObject("ADODB.Command");
//assign connection to command
cmd.ActiveConnection = oConnection;
//this is SQL statement that I am about to execute
cmd.CommandText = insertStmt;
// command type is - text
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText;
//create and append new parameter
// 1 = first parameter
// adVarChar = database column type
// adParamInput = parameter direction (input)
// 5 - the lenght of the parameter value
// TEST2 - parameter value
cmd.Parameters.Append(cmd.CreateParameter(1, adVarChar, adParamInput,5,"TEST2"));
// Now, inserting into the data source...
cmd.Prepared = true;
//execute update - no commit is needed
res = cmd.Execute();
Outputs.SetProperty("DONE","NOT OK "+e.toString());
//release variables
adCmdText =null;
adParamInput = null;
adVarChar = null;
myparam = null;
cmd = null;
oConnection = null;
return (CancelOperation);
return (ContinueOperation);